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Red-Eyed Tree Frog in Slow Motion | Slow Motion Wild Animals | Love Nature

The red-eyed frog really makes the leap when traveling. One minute is there, the next ... is flying in space. The only way to appreciate their extraordinary agility is in super slow motion. The body of the small amphibian is only two inches long and its legs occupy a quarter of its mass and more than half its length. You can jump 20 times the length of your body ... it's like a human being who skips the length of three school buses, standing. Learn all about the red-eyed tree frog and its incredible hops in our latest documentary short film about wildlife.
Red-Eyed Tree Frog in Slow Motion | Slow Motion Wild Animals | Love Nature Red-Eyed Tree Frog in Slow Motion | Slow Motion Wild Animals | Love Nature Reviewed by vbnvhnvbn on 10:32 AM Rating: 5

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