This is the heartbreaking moment when an injured sea lion, nicknamed Amber, swims directly to the boat off the coast of California for urgent help.
The sea lion, who had apparently been attacked by something in the water and was starving, was shot while swimming and jumping in a boat near Laguna Beach in Orange County.
"Amber swam straight to our boat and climbed aboard without hesitation.
"If he bites, there is a possibility of bacterial diseases (or) but he was as friendly as a stray dog." It was desperate, "says the movie Hugo Zusho.
Zusho and his friends in the boat took Amber directly to the Pacific Marine Mammal Center in Laguna Beach to get the help he needed.
The incident was detected in 2014, but came online only in 2018.
Injured sea lion pup desperate for help jumps onto boat in California
Reviewed by vbnvhnvbn
10:25 AM
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